A research team at the University of Córdoba has developed a process for the pharmacochemical industry to take partial advantage of lignin, a natural substance present in plants, constituting 30% of woody biomass

The research group at the University of Cordoba, coordinated by Professor Mª del Mar Delgado, analyzes the value chains of mountain areas in Cordoba's Sierra Morena mountain range

The development of a mathematical model based on pollen data collected over 30 years predicts a reduction in pollination in Bavarian forests

The Life Forest CO2 project has created administrative mechanisms to capitalize on the carbon sequestration capacity of forests to offset carbon emissions

In the agricultural community, the project popularizes a quick and affordable tool to gauge the quality of biomass, instantly

The Algared+ Project has characterised more than 100 species inhabiting the coast of Cádiz, Huelva and the Portuguese Algarve region

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