Page 88 - New Trends in Green Construction
P. 88

Energy Efficient Building
 a decrease in the demand of the heating system, however it is observed a great decrease in energy demand in the refrigeration equipment (30.7%).
- Replacing simple glass by double glazing supposes a decrease of the heating system of 28.3% and in the cooling system of 11.5%. In the same models, but both with LCS in their East and South facades, they have the same decrease in the design of the heating system (28.3%) but in refrigeration the equipment is reduced by 27.0%.
- Incorporating cantilevers in the East and South facades designed with a length of 6.60 m and 1.80 m, represent a decrease in the cooling system of 43.2% and 37.9% respectively. The difference is negligible for the heating system. Cantilever over 1.80 m on the east facade does not entail any significant energy difference in the cooling system (5.3%).
As a final conclusion, the results obtained in this research confirm again the importance of the detailed analysis of the geometry and orientation of the building in order to properly choose the glazing and the passive protections necessary for a building. A correct choice of them entails a decrease in the energy consumption necessary for the use of air conditioning inside the house.
4. References
Ministerio de Fomento. (2014). Estrategia a largo plazo para la rehabilitación energética en el sector de la edificación en Spain.
Ministerio de Fomento. (2017). Eresee 2017. Actualización 2017 de la estrategia a largo plazo para la rehabilitación energética en el sector de la edificación en Spain. Retrieved from
Statistics Explained. (2017). Estadísticas sobre vivienda. Eurostat. Retrieved from
Zalamea-León, E. F., & García-Alvarado, H. R. (2018). Integración de captación activa y pasiva en viviendas unifamiliares de emprendimientos inmobiliarios. Ambiente Construído, 18(1), 445–461.

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