Mª Isabel Martínez Macías
PhD in Biochemistry
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Academic posts
Bachelor´s Degree in Biochemistry, University of Córdoba (2004).
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Biosciences and Agri-food Sciences, University of Córdoba (2006).
FPI fellowship holder, Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain, University of Córdoba (2008-2012).
PhD, Department of Genetics, University of Córdoba (2012).
Awarded the “Jacobo Cardenas Torres Prize” for Young Researchers, XII edition, University of Córdoba (2013)
Postdoctoral fellowship holder “Juan de la Cierva” Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, CABIMER, University of Sevilla (2013-2014).
Postdoctoral EMBO long-term fellowship holder, Genome Damage and Stability Centre, (GDSC), University of Sussex, United Kingdom (2014-2016).
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, GDSC, University of Sussex, United Kingdom (2016-2019).
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Córdoba (2020).
Postdoctoral “Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow” (2021-at present).