María Auxiliadora Fernández Peralbo

Maria Auxiliadora Fernández Peralbo got a BSc degree in Chemistry at the University of Córdoba (Spain) in 2010.

She is a member of the research group since 2009. Her investigation is devoted to development of analytical platforms on metabolomics to search for cancer and cardiac biomarkers as well as metabolites of clinical interest as chemotherapy drugs, using different types of biofluids as urine, plasma, serum, tissue and exhaled breath condensate. At present, she develops research at the Leiden University Medical Center (The Netherlands), under the supervision of Prof. Mayboroda to fulfill one of the rules for getting the international PhD. She is co-author of 7 research papers, 2 review articles, 2 book chapters, and a patent on a method for discrimination of prostate cancer patiens versus controls by untargeted metabolomics analysis of urine by LC–QTOF.