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Flash 5 tutorial. Our online Flash 5 tutorial covers creating graphics,
working with layers, and adding motion, sound, and text to your Flash
5 movie.
In this tutorial I take you step-by-step through
the process of creating this Flash 5 movie. You will learn how
to create graphics, work with layers, and add motion, sound, and
text to your movie.
To begin, open Flash 5. You will be presented with
the screen shown here.
The upper left corner of the screen displays the
Tool palette, which contains tools you can use to create or modify
graphics and text. You select a tool by clicking on it. Tool modifiers
for the selected tool display below the Tool palette. You use
modifiers to set tool options.
The Timeline appears in the upper portion of the
screen. You use the Timeline line to lay out the sequence of the
The Stage displays in the center of the screen.
You create your movie on the Stage.