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•  AAVV- Crespo, Demetrio (Director) y Maroto Calatayud, Manuel (Coordinador), Neurociencias y Derecho Penal. Nuevas perspectivas en el ámbito de la culpabilidad y tratamiento jurídico-penal de la peligrosidad, Edisofer-BdeF, 2013.

•  AAVV- Feijoo Sánchez, Bernardo (editor), Derecho Penal de la culpabilidad y neurociencias, Civitas-Thomson Reuters, 2012.

•  AAVV-Farahani, Nita (Editor), The impact of behavioral sciences on Criminal Law, Oxford University Press, 2009.

•  AAVV-Zeki, Semir/ Goodenough, Oliver (Edits.) Law and the brain , Oxford University Press, 2006.

•  Barnes, J.C./Jakobs B., "Genetic risk for violent behavior and environmental exposure to disadvantage and violent crime: the case for gene-environment interaction", Journal of interpersonal violence, 2013, 28(1), pp. 92 y ss.

•  Baum, Mattew L., "The Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) genetic predisposition to impulsive violence: is it relevant to criminal trials", Neuroethics , May 2009.

•  Bernet, William/Vnencak-Jones, Cindy et al., "Bad Nature, Bad Nurture, and Testimony regarding MAOA and SLC6A4 genotyping at murder trials", American Academy of Forensic Sciences , 2007, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 1 y ss.

•  Blair, James/Mitchell, Derek/Blair, Karina. " The Psychopath - Emotion and the Brain" . Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005.

•  Buckholtz, Joshua W./Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas, "MAOA and the neurogenetic architecture of human aggression", Trends in Neurosciences , 2008, Vol. 31, No.3, pp. 120 y ss.

•  Byrd, A. L./Manuck, S. B. MAOA, Childhood Maltreatment, and Antisocial Behavior: Meta-analysis of a Gene-Environment Interaction. Biological psychiatry , 2013, 1-9.

•  Cancio Meliá, Manuel, "Psicopatía y Derecho Penal: algunas consideraciones introductorias", en AAVV-Bernardo Feijoo Sánchez (editor), Derecho Penal de la culpabilidad y neurociencias, Civitas-Thomson Reuters, 2012, pp.261 y ss.

•  Caspi, Avalom/Moffitt, Terrie et al., "Role of genotype in the cycle of violence in maltreated children", Science , 2002, 297, 851 y ss.

•  Damasio, Antonio, Descartes' error: emotion, reason and the human brain, GP Putnam's Sons, 1994. Edición en español: Editorial Andrés Bello, 1999.

•  Farah, M, "Neuroethics: the ethical, legal and societal impact of neuroscience", The Annual Review of Psychology , 2012:63:571-591.

•  Farrington, D./Barnes. G./Lambert, S. The concentration of offending in families. Legal and criminological psychology , 1996, 1, 47-63.

•  Feijoo Sánchez, Bernardo, "Derecho Penal y Neurociencias ¿Una relación tormentosa?", en AAVV-Bernardo Feijoo Sánchez (editor), Derecho Penal de la culpabilidad y neurociencias, Civitas-Thomson Reuters, 2012, pp. 71 y ss.

•  Fergusson, David/Boden, Joseph/Horwood, John/Miller, Allison/Kennedy, Martin. "MAOA, abuse exposure and antisocial behaviour: 30-year longitudinal study". The British Journal of Psychiatry: The Journal of Mental Science , 2011, 198(6), 457-463.

•  Frish, Wolfgang, "Sobre el futuro del Derecho Penal de la culpabilidad", en ", en AAVV-Bernardo Feijoo Sánchez (editor), Derecho Penal de la culpabilidad y neurociencias, Civitas-Thomson Reuters, 2012, pp. 19 y ss.

•  Fumagalli, Manuela/Priori, Alberto, "Functional and clinical neuroanatomy of morality", Brain. A Journal of Neurology , 2012:135, pp. 2006 y ss.

•  Gazzaniga, Michael S., "The Law and Neuroscience", Neuron 60, nov. 6, 2008, pp. 412 y ss.

•  González-Tapia, María Isabel/Obsuth, Ingrid, "Bad genes and criminal responsibility " , International Journal of Law And Mental Health, 2015, en prensa

•  Goodenough Oliver R./Tucker Michaela, "Law and Cognitive Neuroscience", Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 2010.6:61-92.

•  Greely, Henry T., "Neuroscience and Criminal Justice: not responsibility but treatment", Kansas Law Review , 2008, vol. 56, 1103 y ss.

•  Greene Joshua/Cohen Jonathan, "For the law, neuroscience changes nothing and everything", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B., 2004, 359, 1775-1785.

•  Gunther, Tracy D./Vaughn, Michael G. et al., "Behavioural genetics in antisocial spectrum disorders and psychopathy: a review of the recent literature", Behavioural Sciences and the Law , 2010, 28:148-173.

•  Hare, Robert D., "Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us" . New York: Guilford Press. 1999.

•  Hassemer, Winfried, "Neurociencias y culpabilidad en Derecho Penal", InDret, 2/2011, pp. 1 ss.

•  Jones, Owen D., "Behavioral genetics and crime, in context", Law and Contemporary Problems , vol. 69, nº ½: The impact of Behavioral Genetics on the Criminal Law , 2006, pp. 81-100.

•  Jones, Owen/Shen, Francis, "Law and Neuroscience in the United States", Vanderbilt University Law School Public Law and Legal Theory , Working Paper 12-5, 2012, pp. 349 y ss.

•  Kane, Robert. (Editor). " The Oxford Handbook of Free Will" Oxford University Press Inc., New York, 2011.

•  Keehner, M./Mayberry, L./Fischer, M. "Different clues from different views: The role of image format in public perceptions of neuroimaging results", Psychonomic Bulletin & Review , 2011, 18(2), pp. 422-428.

•  Kim-Cohen, J./Caspi, A/Taylor, A/Williams, B/Newcombe, R/Craig, I. W./Moffitt, T.E. MAOA, maltreatment, and gene-environment interaction predicting children's mental health: new evidence and a meta-analysis. Molecular psychiatry , 2006, 11 (10), 903-13.

•  Kishiyama, M.M./Boyce, W.T., Jimenez, A.M./Perry, L.M./Knight, R.T. Socioeconomic disparities affect prefrontal functioning in children. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , 2009, 21, 1106-1115.

•  Libet, B., Alberts, W. W., Wright, E. W. & Feinstein, B. (1972). In: Neurophysiolagy Studied in Man (Somjen, G. G. ed.) pp. 156-168. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica. 

•  Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas/Buckholtz, Joshua, et al., "Neural mechanismos of genetic risk for impulsivity and violence in humans", Proceedings of National Academy of Science , 2006, Vol. 103, No. 16, pp, 6269 y ss.

•  Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas/Weinberger, Daniel. Intermediate phenotypes and genetic mechanisms of psychiatric disorders. Nature reviews. Neuroscience . 2006, 7(10), 818-827.

•  Moffitt, Terrie E., "The new look of behavioral genetics in developmental psychopathology: gene-environment interplay in antisocial behaviors", Psychological Bulletin , 2005, 131, pp. 533-534.

•  Morse, Stephen J., "Brain overclaim syndrome and criminal responsibility: A diagnostic note". (2006). Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law , 3, 397-412, 2006.

•  Morse, Stephen J., "Psychopathy and Criminal Responsibility", Neuroethics , 2008, 1:205-212.

•  Morse, Stephen J., "The status of Neurolaw: a plea for current modesty and future cautious optimism", Journal of Psychiatry & Law , Winter- 2011, pp. 595 y ss.

•  Nadelhoffer, Thomas/Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter, "Neurolaw and neuroprediction: potential promises and perils", Philosophy Compass, 7/9 2012, pp. 631-642.

•  Pulstilnik, Amanda C., "Violence on the brain: a critique of neuroscience in criminal law", Harward Law School. Faculty Scholar Series. Paper 14, 2008.

•  Raine, Adrian, "From genes to brain to antisocial behavior", Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2008, 17 (5), pp. 323-328.

•  Raine, Adrian. Anatomy of violence. The biological roots of crime , Penguin Books. 2013

•  Raine, Adrian/Yang Yaling, "Neural foundations to moral reasoning and antisocial behavior", Social Science and Affective Neuroscience , 2006, I, pp. 2013 y ss.

•  The Royal Society, Brain Waves. Module 4: Neuroscience and the Law, The Royal Society, 2011.

•  Walsh, Anthony/Bolen, Jonathan. The neurobiology of Criminal Behavior. Gene-Brain-Culture interaction, Ashgate, 2012.

•  Yang, Yaling/Glenn, Andrea L./Raine, Adrian, "Brain abnormalities in antisocial individuals: implications for the Law", Behavioral Sciences and the Law , 2008, 26:65-83.

•  Zhu, Xiaolin/Need, Anna C. et al., "One gene, many neuropsychiatric disorders: lessons from Mendelian diseases", Nature Neuroscience , 2014, Vol. 17, No.17, pp. 773 y ss.