Page 54 - Geopolítica del Mundo Actual. Una Visión Multidisciplinar
P. 54

Cultura de Paz, Conflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos
responsibility to provide protection. Meanwhile, by placing refugees in third countries there is no guarantee and supervision directly from the Australian government. Risk of violations of human rights towards asylum seekers due to the detentions in the third country becomes one of the major issues in handling IMA’s in the terms of humanity.
The impacts of Operation Sovereign Borders Policy to Indonesia
detention house in Jakarta. As a country that does not ratify The 1951 Refugee Convention, Indonesia has no facility for those asylum seekers. What the Indonesian government can do is put them at Immigration Detention House which is actually intended for ordinary immigrants who violate visa policies such as overstay, etc. Unfortunately, due to limited Immigration Detention House, many of them living on the roadside in Jakarta, most of them come from Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen and Bangladesh. This arises social issue in Indonesia, especially Jakarta.
After the implementation OSB policy by the Australian government, based on information from UNHCR office in Jakarta, as of September 2018 the number of asylum seekers in this country reached 13,800 people and 29 percent of them are children. In addition, it is believed that there are still many of them who have not yet been registered. The following is information about the percentage of asylum seekers in Indonesia by country of origin.
Source: UNHCR Indonesia
Data above shows that majority of asylum seekers in Indonesia come from conflict countries. This information corresponding with the information from Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) Australia, about origin countries of majority asylum seekers and refugees in Australia, as elaborated in previous chapter. From this, it can be concluded that, in fact, conflict in a country is the biggest trigger of immigration and asylum seekers.
The next chart, shows the statistic of asylum
 On 2014, the situation of asylum seekers who came from Indonesia as a transit route back in tense. Not only refuses they who come by boat ilegally, the Australian government, through its Immigration Minister Scott Morrison, announced that Australia no longer accept resettlement from they who come from Indonesia after 1 July 2014. Previously, Australia has reduced the number of refugees per year they accepted from Indonesia. This can be predicted to result in an increase in accumulation of asylum seekers in shelter and community houses in Indonesia.
Along with the implementation of the above policies, up to Australia’s refusal for the resettlement of refugees coming from Indonesia, eventually it is confirmed that the number of those who stuck in Indonesia is increasing. This increase also has an impact on overcapacity in immigration

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