Page 58 - Geopolítica del Mundo Actual. Una Visión Multidisciplinar
P. 58

Cultura de Paz, Conflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos
Indonesia-Australia Security and Defence Cooperation
In November 2006, Indonesia and Australia signed a cooperation agreement commonly known as Lombok Treaty. The agreement between both countries on the Framework for Security Cooperation. For Indonesia, this agreement is motivated by its interests as an island nation surrounded by the ocean and the importance of maintaining its territorial integrity, while on the Australian side, it has an interest in ensuring regional security stability. In the Lombok Treaty has been agreed not only about to combat terrorism and transnational crime, but also mutual respect and support for sovereignty and territorial integrity of each other.
Following the Lombok Treaty, on November 2010, through the joint statement Indonesia- Australia, both countries declared their agreement to encourage and implement Lombok Treaty and Its Plan of Action on Defence Cooperation and this would be a priority on annual meeting of Indonesia-Australia Ministerial Forum (IAMF). This annual forum is a form of commitment of both countries to realize their agreement and strengthen bilateral cooperation. Furthermore, both countries also emphasized their commitment to expand and strengthen cooperation such as in People Smuggling and Transnational Crime. It cannot be denied that the issue of People Smuggling and Transnational Crime is related to IMAs in Australia.
Moreover, both countries have a dialogue, namely, Indonesia-Australia Foreign and Defence Ministers’ Meeting (2+2 Dialogue). This is a forum to discuss bilateral and strategic issues at the ministerial level involving the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defense of the two countries. On 2+2
Dialogue in 2015, Indonesia and Australia focus on efforts to strengthen maritime cooperation and overcome the root causes of irregular migrant issue. In every forum of 2+2 Dialogue, discussion of strategic issues such as security, regional stability and irregular migrants become an inseparable part of this forum. In the end, the maritime cooperation between the two countries, that have been running steadily, remains despite stopped for a moment due to several issues between the two countries.
The Future of Indonesia-Australia Relations
Sovereignty can be interpreted and used in a variety of ways, but generally sovereignty refers to the supreme power within the state. Therefore, government as the state apparatus has the right to secure its territory from external threats through a series of binding policies and regulations. Regarding this sovereignty; the state, as the highest authority in a jurisdiction, is obliged to secure its territory from threats and harassment by other parties and has the right to apply various methods of security.
In the case of Indonesia-Australia relations related to asylum seekers and waters border security, the refusal of the entry of IMAs through aggressive operations by Australia that affects Indonesia, in the end would be a threat to Australia’s own interests in overcoming boat people. Crossing the border and entering the territory of other countries, which is in this case conducted by Australian navy, can provoke conflict between states. Since the two countries already have various maritime cooperations, this interest should be emphasized in the agreement between the two countries, instead of making policies that can trigger tensions between the two countries.
Interdependence is one of the important

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