Miércoles, 29 Mayo 2019 09:07
The University of Cordoba guides plants towards obtaining iron
Escrito por UCC+iA team at the University of Cordoba relates the presence of beneficial organisms in plant roots to their response to iron deficiency
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Physics and chemistry
Jueves, 23 Mayo 2019 10:03
PHOTO4FUTURE. Catalyst Synthesised Using Cereal Waste Activated by Sunlight
Escrito por UCC+IThe Photo4Future project investigates the use of visible light in chemical transformations, in search of greener reactions
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Nature science
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Lunes, 20 Mayo 2019 13:16
Computer Program Designed to Calculate the Economic Impact of Forest Fires
Escrito por UCC+IVisual Seveif software measures the economic impact of a fire, taking into account both material resources and their utility for leisure and recreation, the landscape's value and, now, carbon fixation
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Jueves, 16 Mayo 2019 14:16
The University of Cordoba has simplified the method to categorize olive oil
Escrito por UCC+IA research group has developed an analytical methodology to go along with sensory tasting and is working towards putting it into effect at businesses
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Nature science
Jueves, 16 Mayo 2019 09:37
LIFE + CLIMAGRI. Adapting Agriculture to Fight Climate Change
Escrito por UCC+iThe LIFE + ClimAgri project promotes a set of sound agricultural practices to mitigate and adapt to the effects of global warming
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Nature science
Jueves, 09 Mayo 2019 09:24
Hypogonadism: a drop in testosterone that is both caused and aggravated by obesity
Escrito por UCCi
The ReprObesity project identifies some molecules involved in hypogonadism, a disorder associated with, among other conditions, excess weight affecting the sex glands
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Biomedicine and health