Jueves, 05 Diciembre 2019 08:28
UNREDE | Microalgae reveal the defence strategies of plants against excess solar energy
Escrito por UCC+iThe results of the UNREDE project could be important to help these organisms survive under adverse conditions
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Nature science
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Miércoles, 04 Diciembre 2019 13:08
A new gene involved in strawberry fruiting time is identified
Escrito por Pablo Hinojosa LuqueThe study, published by the University of Cordoba and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA-ARS), takes a step further in understanding the mechanisms that control fruiting in strawberries
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Nature science
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Viernes, 29 Noviembre 2019 13:19
Association and Collaboration to Bolster the Agricultural Sector
Escrito por UCC+iThe BOND project promotes the creation of networks for civil society to reclaim its capacity to decide on its agriculture
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Nature science
Lunes, 25 Noviembre 2019 08:51
A study compares how water is managed in Spain, California and Australia
Escrito por UCC+iLegislative changes in these three regions always come about due to drought crises but they show important differences
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Nature science
Jueves, 07 Noviembre 2019 08:08
SHAREBEEF | The Internet of Things Boosts Livestock Productivity
Escrito por UCC+iThe ShareBeef project uses the Internet of Things andBlockchain technologies to generate value in the beef production chain
Publicado en
Nature science
Lunes, 21 Octubre 2019 13:47
Male deer stain their bellies according to their competitive context
Escrito por UCC+iThe Fish and Game Resources Research Unit at the University of Cordoba connects different chemicals on deer’s “dark bellies” to the level of competition among the population
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Nature science