Jueves, 17 Octubre 2019 08:14
In Search of a Synthetic Microbiome to Strengthen Crops' Defences
Escrito por UCC+IThe Direction project researches the set of microorganisms that protect tomatoes against pathogenic attacks
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Nature science
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A study, published in Nature Genetics, demonstrated the effectiveness of the technology known as genomic selection in a wheat improvement program
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Nature science
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Viernes, 04 Octubre 2019 08:25
CLARA | Climate Services Designed to Benefit End Users
Escrito por UCC+IThe CLARA project involves users in the development of climate services, for a more efficient management of water and energy resources
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Nature science
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Lunes, 30 Septiembre 2019 09:29
A new method is designed to stop the growth of a fungus that affects over a hundred crops
Escrito por UCC+iThe study, published in Nature, was able to “trick” the pathogen by artifically applying a pheromone involved in its reproduction
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Nature science
Jueves, 19 Septiembre 2019 08:24
CARAVAN | Docile camels that are eager to learn: the key to increasing their productivity
Escrito por UCC+IThe C.A.R.A.V.A.N. project studies how to select the best camels to bolster the value chain of the sector in North Africa
Publicado en
Nature science
Lunes, 16 Septiembre 2019 11:41
Algae and bacteria team up to increase hydrogen production
Escrito por UCC+iA University of Cordoba research group combined algae and bacteria in order to produce biohydrogen, fuel of the future
Publicado en
Nature science
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