Assistant Professor
Name: | Pilar Botías Domínguez | ![]() |
Position: | Assistant Professor | |
Research group: | ||
Telephone: | + 34 957 21 84 27 | |
Email: | | |
Address: | Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Anexo junto a Salón de Actos Primera planta, despacho 8. |
Lecturer at Universidad de Córdoba (Department of English). Pilar Botías holds a BA’s degree in English Studies (University of Córdoba, 2011-2015). She completed the last year at Oxford Brookes University (Erasmus+) and The Oxford Academy (UK). She holds a MA’s degree in English Literature and Linguistics (University of Granada, 2015-2016) and she also holds a Certificate of Proficiency in English by Cambridge University Assessment (2016). She has a PhD in English Literature (International PhD Mention, University of Córdoba 2022). Her doctoral thesis was supervised by Juan de Dios Torralbo Caballero (University of Córdoba) and Nicholas Seager (Keele University). In 2019 she was a Recognised Student (Doctoral Researcher) at the University of Oxford (UK). Her supervisor was the professor Ros Ballaster. Her main field of research is Restoration and eighteenth-century England, particularly the novel. Furthermore, she has published papers on literary translation (novel, drama and poetry).
Main publications
- “Across boundaries: A journey from the West to the East in The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje.” en Journal Humanistic Treatises. Włocławek. (2017)
- “The Way of the World y Así va el mundo: fidelidad en el texto dramático de Congreve traducido al español por Antonio Ballesteros González.”, en Literary translation and specialized translation discourses. Studien zur romanischen Spachwissenschaft und interkulturellen. Bern: Peter Lang. (2018)
- “Parallel realities in Blow-up: an adaptation of ‘Las Babas del Diablo’ by Julio Cortázar.”, Revista Ideas Lenguas Modernas. Buenos Aires. (2019)
- “Fidelidad en el lenguaje y época: la Incógnita de Congreve en la traducción de María Jesús Pascual” en Literary translation and specialized translation discourses. Studien zur romanischen Spachwissenschaft und interkulturellen. Bern: Peter Lang. (2020)
- ‘’Incógnita o el amor y el deber bien avenidos: primera traducción al español de la novela de William Congreve.’’ Literary translation and specialized translation discourses. Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation. Peter Lang. (2023)
- ‘’‘‘We’re women. Not children. Not little girls’’: Zadie Smith’s theatrical adaptation of Geoffrey Chaucer’s ‘‘The Wife of Bath.’’’’ British Theatre and Young People: Theory and Performance in the 21st Century. Routledge. (2025)
Research projects
- Profesora colaboradora en proyecto I+D+i TRADILEX (UNED)
Entidad Financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Entidad Participante: UCOidiomas (Universidad de Córdoba)
Referencia: PID2019-107362GA-I00
Investigadora principal: Dr. Noa Talaván Zanón
Duración: Octubre 2021/Febrero 2022