Joaquín Garrido Zafra, PhD
Contact Information

Acting Professor
+34 957 21 83 25
Room: LV7B300 Leonardo Da Vinci BLDG
Dept. of Electronic and Computer Engineering
Campus de Rabanales - 14071 Córdoba (España)
Joaquin Garrido-Zafra received the MSc degree in Distributed Renewable Energies (2018) and the degree in Industrial Electronics Engineering (2017) from the University of Cordoba (Spain). He is a Professor at the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering of the same University, and a member of the research group of Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation (IEI). Since 2018, he has participated in several R&D projects obtained in national and international competitive public grants. His research interests are focused on power quality, internet of things, electronic instrumentation, energy management, and the development of embedded systems to be used in smart grids. He is also the author and co-author of numerous conferences and journal papers.
Research Profiles
ScopusID: 57194265116
ORCID: 0000-0002-1665-723X
ResearchID: XXX