Antonio Moreno Muñoz, PhD
Contact Information

Full Professor
+34 957 21 83 73
Room: LV6P080 Leonardo Da Vinci BLDG
Dept. of Electronic and Computer Engineering
Campus de Rabanales - 14071 Córdoba (España)
Antonio Moreno-Munoz is Full Professor at the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Universidad de Córdoba, Spain where and he is Chair of the Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation R&D Group. Nowadays he is the head of the Department. Dr. Moreno-Munoz received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees from UNED " Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia", Spain in 1998 and 1992. From 1981 to 1992 he was with RENFE, the Spanish National Railways Company. Since 1992 he has been with Universidad de Córdoba.
IEC/CENELEC TC-77/SC-77A/WG-9 Committee member. Senior Member, Technical Committee on Smart Grids IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. ISO International Organization for Standardization AEN/CTN-208/SC-77-210 Committee member. CIGRÉ/CIRED JWG-C4.24 "Power Quality and EMC Issues associated with future electricity networks" Committee member. R&D projects Auditor for European Quality Assurance Ltd. (EQA), Springer Science editorial consultant, Editor in Journal of Energy, Hindawi, Editor in The Scientific World Journal Hindawi, Review Editor, Frontiers in Energy Research, Energy Systems and Policy and reviewer for numerous journals of IEEE, IET and Elsevier (IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Applied energy, Energy and Buildings).
His research interests are focused on Smart Grids, Power Quality, Electronic Instrumentation, and usability of complex systems. He has taken part in 21 funded R&D projects, including the management of 10 of them. He has authored 3 monographs; 1 Hand-book for engineer and students; 87 Scientific Articles in Journals and Conference Proceedings or Records: conference Papers (46), articles (41). He has been General Co-Chair of the 3rd International ICST Conference on IT Revolutions 2011 23-25 March 2011 Cordoba, Spain.
Research Profiles
ScopusID: 9743221900
ORCID: 0000-0002-7298-3902
ResearchID: C-5819-2011