On 7th May, the panel of external evaluators proposed by Euraxess visited the University of Cordoba (UCO) for the renewal of the HRS4R Award. This distinction evaluates the UCO's human resources management strategy related to research, and is a recognition of the implementation of the 40 principles included in the European Charter for Researchers and in the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The 40 principles are grouped into 4 thematic blocks: Ethical and professional aspects, Recruitment and selection of researchers, Working conditions and social security, and Training and development.

The UCO established its commitment to adhere to this strategy in 2016 and was awarded the HRS4R Seal in October 2019, recognising the institution's commitment to the management of human resources related to research. From 2020 to 2023, the Action Plan has been updated with new proposals aimed at improving the recruitment of research talent, the promotion of activities to encourage the leadership of young researchers, or the management of procedures to facilitate the mobility and recruitment of researchers.

At the session held on 7 May and in the provisional report issued subsequently, the evaluators highlighted the commitment and involvement of the Management Team in the HRS4R strategy, with the involvement of several Vice-Rectorates; the degree of compliance with the proposed actions; the representation of the different groups of researchers (from pre-doctoral to senior) in the Research Committee; the implementation of a policy to improve the stability of researchers under contract; parity in the Selection Committees for research staff; and the improvement in the transparency of the selection processes.

The final report for the renewal of the HRS4R Seal, which is expected to be positive, will be received in the coming weeks. This renewal will recognize the UCO's commitment to the continuous improvement of the conditions in which researchers carry out their work and will identify our university as an attractive place for researchers from the European area.