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Viernes, 19 de Diciembre de 2008 17:38

Los diez articulos cient韋icos de mayor impacto internacional con participaci髇 de la Universidad de C髍doba en el a駉 2007

G.C. - C.M.
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Los diez articulos cient韋icos de mayor impacto internacional con participaci髇 de la Universidad de C髍doba en el a駉 2007

1.- The fusarium graminearum genome reveals a link between localizad polymorphi specialization. Science 317; 1400-1402
Factor de impacto 30,03
2.- The impact of agricultural soil erosion on the global carbon cycle. Science 318; 626-629.
Factor de impacto 30,03
3.- The chlamydomonas genome reveals the evolution of key animal and plant functions. Science 318; 245-251.
Factor de impacto 30,03
4.- New frontiers in kisspeptin/gpr54 physiology as fundamental gatekeepers of reproductive function.. Frontiers in neuroendocrinology 29; 48-69
Factor de impacto 11,53
5.- Epigenetic regulation of wnt signaling pathway in acute lymphoblastic leucemia. Blood 19; 3462-3469
Factor de impacto: 10,37
6.-Ctia-4 polymorphisms and clinical outcome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation from hla-identifical sibling donors. Blood 110; 461-467
Factor de impacto: 10,37
7.- Nitrate signaling by the regulatory gene nit2 in chlamydomonas.Plant cell 19; 3491-3503
Factor de impacto: 9,87
8.- A high-affinity molybdate transporter in eurokaryotes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of United States of America 104; 20126-20130
Factor de impacto: 9,64
9.- Monounsatured fat-rich diet prevents central body fat distribution and decreases postprandial adiponectin expression induced by a carbohdrate-rich diet in insulin-resistant subjets. Diabetes care 30; 1717-1723.
Factor de impacto: 7,91
10.- Allelic heterogeneity at the equine kit locus in dominant white (W) horses. Plos genetics 3; 1-8.
Factor de impacto: 7,67.