Page 16 - Geopolítica del Mundo Actual. Una Visión Multidisciplinar
P. 16

Cultura de Paz, Conflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos
Israel-Palestine on the agenda; all inextricably linked. A ceasefire is not a condition to get started, but would be helpful.
X2: The UN Security Council alone cannot keep Iraq secure and stable given the absence of Muslim veto powers, and inhuman sanctions against Iraq. OIC, RCD (Turkey-Iran-Pakistan) and SCO might help.
X3: Iraq is fact and fiction, with centripetal and centrifugal forces. Iraq as a unitary state is not a goal in itself. A federation, or even confederation, an “Iraqi Community”, would be more realistic.
X4: Iraqi Kurds should be free to develop their relations with Kurds in Syria, Turkey and Iran, with human rights and some autonomy in all four, and as open borders as possible. The totality of these autonomies could be “Kurdistan” Guarantees for Turkomen essential.
X5: Iraqi Shia Arabs should be free to develop their relations to Shia Arabs in Iran (Khuzistan), with a similar flexible model.
X6: Iraqi Sunnis (4 out of 18 provinces, but all are mixed) might be supported internationally, given insufficient oil revenue and deeply rooted conflicts with both Kurds and Shias.
X7: Self-determination serves better than borders imposed by foreigners, and autonomy forces will only grow by being resisted.
X8: A process of Truth and Reconciliation, with a fact-finding commission broadly composed, not only USA-UK and Iraq.
X9: The USA-UK should summon the decency:
* to apologize unconditionally for the attack and its aftermath;
* to compensate for civilian and military, coalition and Iraqi, human and material, damages due to the war. Waiting for this miracle the task passes to the decent elements of the world.
To stay the present course in Iraq and Afghanistan exacerbates the situation at great costs to US national interests. The costs in changing the course are minor relative to the gains. To call that unrealistic” because the USA disagrees is like calling the advice to quit smoking unrealistic
because the smoker objects. And others will gradually take over where Anglo-america makes itself irrelevant.
Johan Galtung: The Chinese model of development: Five Points (ATOD). Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Development, 09-09- 2010. We are talking about today’s China with this model blossoming against a background of six decades after the 1949 revolution, and some millennia before that. A very old civilization.
First, there is a sense of being a Chosen People with a Promised Land between the Himalayas, the Gobi desert, the tundra and the sea. Han China was assembled, but inside are also Taiwan, Hong Kong-Macao, Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Korea and Viêt Nam. Outside that no economic- military-political-cultural imperialism has been observed.
Second, the overriding value of social harmony across faultlines, in inner attitudes and outer behavior if not in structural reality.
Third, I-culture and we-culture, a vertical social structure over complex mixes of individualism and
collectivism, with the party, the new mandarinate of the current communist dynasty, on top.
Fourth, an eclectic use of san fa, the three Chinese teachings:
* confucianism, a moral code and source of wisdom and discipline, vertical, with rights and duties for those high up as well as low down, compatible with growth and big countries;

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