Page 17 - Geopolítica del Mundo Actual. Una Visión Multidisciplinar
P. 17

Cultura de Paz, Conflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos
* buddhism, a moral code and source of compassion, horizontal, compatible with distribution and small communities;
* daoism, an epistemology based on a never- ending dialectic between yin and yang, like between growth and distribution, big and small.
Fifth, in spite of the first point, and because of daoism, some ability in overcoming contradictions abroad, like:
* with the USA in a basic trade agreement;
* with Third world countries helping in
development at the bottom;
* with Japan: waiting for Japan to mature
enough for reconciliation and ability in overcoming contradictions inside China, like gender, mobilizing the other half of humanity;
* with Hong Kong, China and Macao, China as parts, yet autonomous;
* the “one country, two systems” doctrine opening for Taiwan; but much work remains for Tibet, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia;
* active co-existence with the Koreas and Viêt Nam.
How is this done concretely, in some detail?
Chinese Deep Culture: The san fa
What is so extraordinary about China? The way Chinese think, their world views, and how actions flow from their world views. What is so extraordinary about that? The way three different world views-- daoism, confucianism and the late- comer (to China), buddhism--have co-existed. Some Western modernity, left and right, was then grafted upon a solid base of san fa, the Three Teachings.
A very brief summary, trying to capture something essential from the daoist Dao Deching, the confucian Analects and buddhist texts:
Daoism: reality is a holon with yin-yang dialectics of contradictions, with the dominant waning and the other vexing till a turning point with some
other side dominant, and thus it continues, from one side to the other and from one contradiction to the next. Humankind is a holon, ideally suffering the suffering of others, and enjoying the joy of others;
Confucianism: power flows from the wisdom of educated older males; inspiring high quantity and quality of work, attention to details, taking light things heavily and heavy things lightly, and harmony;
Buddhism: reduce dukkha, suffering and increase sukha, fulfillment for all; securing for all neither too much nor too little; everything is related to everything in an engi of co-arising dependency.
There is a daoist-buddhist epistemology of holism-
dialecticsi, different from Western, aristotelian- cartesian, atomism-deductionism. Reality is endowed with an organic inner life as opposed to mutually detached elements held together logically in deductive theories.
This is reflected in an ethics of mutuality as opposed to Western individualism; a collective we- culture as opposed to individual I-culture, ethical budgets. Not always practiced; but both “we” and “I” are deeply embedded in the two cultural codes. A theory of Chinese development
What does this mean for development theory and practice? There is a built-in daoist tension in san fa, between a confucianism that elevates some above others and a buddhist focus on equality.

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