Page 7 - e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Languaje Teaching
P. 7

Learning to translate, translating to learn.
Mazal Oaknín (University College London, UK) ....................................................... 6 Enseñanza de la traducción literaria a través del cine.
Soledad Díaz Alarcón (Universidad de Córdoba, Spain) ............................................ 7 Media Localisation in the 21st Century
Frederic Chaume Varela (Universitat Jaume I, Spain) ............................................... 9 Game on! The Quest for Accessible Video Games
Carme Mangirón Hevia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) ...................... 11 Translation and Localisation in Video Games
Miguel Ángel Bernal Merino (Roehampton University, UK) ..................................... 12
Taking Stock of Recent Advances in Subtitling
Jorge Díaz-Cintas (University College London, UK)
Serenella Massidda (Roehampton University, UK)
Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano (University College London, UK) .................... 13
La TAV y los nuevos enfoques audiovisuales en el aula
Azahara Veroz González (Universidad de Córdoba, Spain) .................................... 15

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