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Program Identification
Presentation The PhD in Biomedicine at the University of Córdoba is a high-quality training course, with a multidisciplinary scope and orientated towards professional work and research. It is aimed primarily at graduates in Medicine, Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and any other degrees related to Experimental and Health Sciences, and has the following objectives:
This Doctoral Program is supported by the Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research of Córdoba (IMIBIC) whose mission is "To develop and foster a multidisciplinary scientific environment in Biomedicine where research projects are carried out, integrating core groups with others whose objectives aim at translational research". IMIBIC has national accreditation from the Carlos III Health Institute as a Health Research Institute. Coordinating BodiesCoordinatorCoordinatorManuel David Gahete Ortiz (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.)Departament Obesity, metabolism, cancer and radiogenomics University of Córdoba Academic Committee of the Doctoral ProgramAcademic Committee of the Doctoral Program
Obesity, metabolism, cancer and radiogenomics
Multidisciplinary research team in primary and community care, and in comprehensive care
Immunology, cancer and cell therapy
Obesity, metabolism, cancer and radiogenomics
Energy balance, puberty and reproductive function
Obesity, metabolism, cancer and radiogenomics
Chronic inflammatory and systemic autoimmune diseases
Obesity, metabolism, cancer and radiogenomics Quality Assurance UnitQuality Assurance Unit
Collaboration AgreementsCollaboration Agreements
Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research of Córdoba (IMIBIC) Reina Sofía University Hospital of Córdoba (HURS)
Collaboration agreements with national and foreign research centres are common, and mostly occur in specific lines of research and for stays for doctoral students of both sexes to obtain theses with an International Mention.
22-MAR-2018 University of Cali (Colombia) Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association Specific collaboration to implement a training program for doctors in the field of biosciences, biomedicine and food sciences Agreement JAN 16, 2017 University of Rotterdam (Netherlands) JOINT TUTORING OF THESIS agreement
Access and Admissión
2019/2020 | 50 | 57 | 225 |
2020/2021 | 50 | 42 | 242 |
2021/2022 | 50 | 68 | 253 |
2022/2023 | 50 | 71 | 268 |
2023/2024 | 50 | 65 | 298 |
Access and Admissión
Access and Admission
On the general IDEP-Doctorate website, in the section entitled ‘Acceso’ (‘Access’), can be found the Modalidades de Acceso a los estudios de Doctorado / Ways of Accessing the PhD course, together with the Procesos, documentación y Plazos para la admisión / Processes, Documentation and Deadlines for Admission.
To contact those responsible for each research line/team and look for a possible PhD Thesis Tutor, which is an essential requirement to apply for admission to this PhD Program, please refer to list of teaching staff below, and the research lines/teams which currently make up the main body of the Doctorate Program, as well as the emails of the line/team managers. The e-mails of other teachers can be found using the search engine “BUSCAR PERSONAS” / "SEARCH PEOPLE" on the UCO website home page.
A number of research Master's degrees can also give direct access to this PhD Program, as follows:
- Master’s Degree in Translational Biomedical Research
- Master’s Degree in Biotechnology
- Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition
Students who have completed other research master's degrees than those listed which give direct access to this PhD Program are required to present full documentation of the course when requesting Admission. The PhD Program Academic Committee (CAPD) will then decide on whether the applicant must carry out Additional Training, which can either be completed prior to admission to the PhD or during the first year of the PhD.
Additional Training
The general IDEP-Doctorate website, in the Access section, shows information about the Complementos de Formación / Additional Training which the CAPD may require applicants for the PhD Program to carry out, depending on their previous training. The CAPD will decide, in each case, on the Additional Training which each PhD student must carry out.
Rules of Permanence
Rules of permanence
The rules of permanence in this Doctorate Program are regulated by Royal Decree 99/2011 and in particular, by the Regulations for Doctoral Studies, which are approved by the Governing Council. Both documents can be found in the Impresos, normativa y certificaciones / Forms, Regulations and Certificates section of the IDEP-Doctorate website. The key points are summarized in the section Régimen de permanencia / Rules of Permanence on the same website.
information on type
Information on type
The PhD in Biomedicine at the University of Córdoba is a high quality, multidisciplinary training course, oriented towards professional work and research.
This Doctoral Program is supported by the Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research of Córdoba (IMIBIC) whose mission is "To develop and foster a multidisciplinary scientific environment in Biomedicine where research projects are carried out, integrating core groups with others whose objectives aim at translational research". IMIBIC has national accreditation from the Carlos III Health Institute as a Health Research Institute.
Org. and Planning
Organization and Planning
Click on the following link for the Competences of the Doctorate Program in Biomedicine.
Thesis - supervision and presentation
The PhD studies leading to the defence of a Doctoral Thesis and obtaining a Doctorate Degree at the University of Córdoba are supervised on a regular basis by the Tutors and Directors of each doctoral student, and are evaluated annually by the Doctoral Program Academic Committees, as shown on the general IDEP-Doctorate website (Section: Evaluación Anual / Annual Evaluation). If a doctoral student does not meet the requirements of this evaluation, for which they are given two opportunities, they will be obliged to permanently withdraw from the PhD program.
In the general IDEP-Doctorate website (Section: Tesis Doctoral / Doctoral Thesis), full information can be found about presenting the thesis, general requirements, types of theses, who makes up the panel of judges, documentation required, defence, etc.
In addition to these sections, the PhD Program has approved additional requirements for some types of theses. In all cases, the basic requirement is that at least one of the scientific contributions derived from the thesis has been published in an international journal with an impact index included in the Journal Citation Reports. The PhD student must appear as first author of the publication, or second if the first author is the director of the thesis. (See document in section: Reglamento / Regulations, right-hand column)
Tutors, direction and co-supervision of thesis
In order to carry out their PhD studies at the UCO, PhD students must have a tutor and at least one Director (this may be the same person as the tutor, if they belong to the UCO and student and tutor so wish). In some cases, students may request that the CAPD approve two professors or, exceptionally, up to three, as joint directors of one thesis. Full information about this choice can be found on the general IDEP-Doctorate website (Section: Dirección de Tesis Doctoral / Management of PhD Thesis).
The same page shows a list of the research lines/teams which currently form the PhD Program; the line/team managers and researchers who make up the teams are alsoLa presentación y lectura de la tesis se realizará según los establecido en la normativa que regula los estudios de doctorado de la UCO, siguiendo el procedimiento que puede encontrarse en el siguiente enlace.
Doctorado Industrial
Este programa de doctorado ofrece la posibilidad de realizar doctorados industriales a través de convenios con diferentes empresas, que están puestos en marcha o que se pueden iniciar a solicitud de los/las interesados/as (doctorandos/as y/o empresas). En concreto existen convenios con las siguientes empresas:
- PHYSIOBLANCE (https://www.physio-balance.es/): consulta de fisioterapia especializada en la atención de patología neurológica y del aparato locomotor. La misma facilita el uso de material fungible, infraestructuras e instalaciones necesarias para el desarrollo de las tareas derivadas del Proyecto de investigación, garantizado el acceso a sus instalaciones durante la duración completa del Proyecto.
- CLÍNICA DE FISIOTERAPIA Y REHABILITACIÓN GEMA LEÓN, S.L. (https://fisioterapiagemaleon.com/): policlínica de Fisioterapia, la cual dispone del personal y las instalaciones necesarias para el desarrollo de la actividad, precisando de la colaboración de profesionales para el tratamiento de pacientes e investigación y desarrollo de nuevas técnicas y tratamientos. La misma garantiza el acceso a sus instalaciones durante la duración completa del Proyecto, facilitando el uso de material fungible, infraestructuras e instalaciones necesarias para el desarrollo de las tareas derivadas del Proyecto de investigación.
Course and Activities
Follow the link for the PhD Program Training Plan: Biomedicine Training Plan
See also the PhD Program Guide:
Recommended new activities:
Alternative training plan to the compulsory activity: Seminar Cycle at the Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research of Córdoba (IMIBIC)
Part-time students or those who, for justified reasons (which must be presented to and validated by the Academic Commission (CAPD)), are unable to attend seminars on a regular basis are required to carry out an annual alternative program consisting of activities linked to the cycle of Online Seminars hosted on the Moodle Platform (moodle.uco.es/ctp3) entitled “Training Plan-Biomedicine PhD Program”.
Acceptance for this alternative plan for PhD students in Biomedicine is subject to the following CONDITIONS:
- Students must make a formal request to the Academic Commission (CAPD), when they initially present their Training Plan (see official format), stating whether they opt for face-to-face seminars at IMIBIC or online seminars via the Moodle Platform.
- All requests for the online option must be accompanied by documentary evidence of the impossibility of attending face-to-face seminars at IMIBIC.
- Students must enrol on the "Training Plan-Biomedicine PhD Program" course on the Moodle Platform.
- Students are obliged to watch 80% of the videos hosted on the Moodle Platform.
- Evaluation is via written activities, which are completed individually, for each online seminar.
- The evaluation activities consist of multiple-choice questions or other exercises related to the seminar content.
- Students are awarded a grade (Pass or Fail) for each online evaluation and the evaluation criteria are defined in each case.
- Evaluation of each student’s completion of the training will be carried out by the Academic Commission (CAPD) at the annual evaluation session.
- Students cannot obtain an annual ‘Pass’ grade for the alternative online training unless they achieve at least 80% of pass grades in the evaluations during the Academic Year.
Training Plan PhD in Biomedicine
Course 2023/2024
- Introducción a la Bioinformatica con R
- Envejecimiento: Fundamentos Biológicos y Aplicación Biomédica
- Fundamentos y Aplicaciones Biomédicas de la Citometría de Flujo
Course 2023/2024
Research Lines and Teams
Research Lines and Teams
- Translational research in infectious diseases
- Occupational Medicine, Occupational Epidemiology and Sustainability
- Hormones and cancer
- Energy balance, puberty and reproductive function
- Biomembranes, antioxidants and oxidative stress
- Obesity, metabolism, cancer and radiogenomics
- Immunology, cancer and cell therapy
- Chronic inflammatory and systemic autoimmune diseases
- Multidisciplinary research team in primary and community care, and in comprehensive care
- Nutritional biomodulation and precision medicine
- Neuroplasticity and oxidative stress
- New Cancer Therapies: Precision Oncology
- Interventional Cardiology
- Digestive and liver diseases
- Experimental medicine. Legal Medicine and Pediatrics
- Mechanisms and molecular bases of kidney disease
Mecanismos de cómputo de la labor de tutorización y dirección de tesis
Estos mecanismos se encuentran establecidos en el art. 22.9 de la Normativa reguladora de los estudios de Doctorado y en el art. 8 del Reglamento de reconocimiento de las actividades docentes, investigación y de gestión del profesorado
- Datos Tutores-Directores PDBiomedicina
- Proyectos de Investigación Activos 19-24 PDBiomedicina
Política de calidad del PD Biomedicina
El PD en Biomedicina adopta una Política de Calidad alineada con el Plan Estratégico de la UCO y sus Estatutos, con el objetivo de desarrollar estrategias que aseguren el funcionamiento eficiente del programa formativo y generen la confianza necesaria que descansa en el proceso de acreditación del Título.
El PD en Biomedicina se compromete a la excelencia, orientada a:
- Ofrecer una formación de doctorado que responda a la demanda social, integrando nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje para mejorar la empleabilidad de los egresados y atraer a estudiantes nacionales e internacionales.
- Consolidar una actividad investigadora que responda a las demandas del entorno con criterios de excelencia científica y proyección internacional.
- Colaborar con el entorno socioeconómico para fomentar la transferencia, el espíritu emprendedor, la innovación y la internacionalización.
- Ser un referente en compromiso social, comportamiento ético, transparencia y mejora continua.
Los responsables del programa formativo consideran que desarrollar una cultura de calidad es clave para satisfacer las necesidades y expectativas de todos los grupos de interés. Por ello, se comprometen a asegurar la mejora continua de la calidad y la gestión del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a través del Sistema de Garantía de Calidad, en consonancia con los criterios del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y la estrategia del Instituto de Estudios de Posgrado y de la Universidad de Córdoba.
Seguimiento y Calidad
- Planes de mejora:
- Informes de evaluación externos:
- Informe seguimiento Dirección de Evaluación y Acreditación (DEVA) 2022
- Informe de propuesta de modificacion - 2021
- Informe final para la Renovación de la Acreditación del Programa de Doctorado en Biomedicina por la Universidad de Córdoba. 28 de junio de 2019
- Informe de propuesta de modificacion - 2018
- Informe seguimiento Dirección de Evaluación y Acreditación (DEVA) 2017
- Anexos Autoinforme 2015/2016
- Informe seguimiento DEVA 2016
- Informe seguimiento DEVA 2015
- Informe de Verificacion - 2013
Resultados de satisfacción
Resultados de Satisfacción
- Análisis del PD por la UGC
- Resultados Encuestas de Satisfacción Directores/as y Tutores/as (2020-2024)
- Resultados Encuestas de Satisfacción Doctorandos/as (2020-2024)
- Encuesta Egresados. Inserción laboral PD Biomedicina. 2018
- Encuestas de satisfacción colectivos 2017-2018
- Directores. Encuestas 2013/2015
- Fortalezas-Debilidades PD. Encuestas 2013/2015
- Satisfacción doctorandos. Encuestas 2013/2015
- Movilidad doctorandos. Encuestas 2013/2015